flowchart LR A[Write code] --> B(Source Code) B --> C{Execute code} C --> D[Output] C --> E[Output] C --> F[Output]
Unrecorded user actions
Your code can bork your editor
Integrations with other computer systems
“Can I get a quick code review please?”
flowchart LR A[Write code] --> B(Source Code) B --> C{Execute code} C --> D[Output] C --> E[Output] C --> F[Output]
flowchart LR A[Write code] --> B(Code/output) B --> C{Run chunks} C --> B
Rmarkdown took a different approach to notebooks
flowchart LR A[Write .Rmd] --> B(Source document) B --> C{Render} C --> F(Pdf) C --> G(html) C --> H(Markdown)
flowchart LR B(.qmd document) B --> C{Render} C --> F(Markdown) F --> G{Pandoc} G --> H(Output format)
You can write markdown code and include inline code like this: 2
This is some source code
You don’t need to abandon Jupyter to start using quarto
quarto render Untitled.ipynb
to render a Jupyter notebookquarto preview Untitled.ipynb
live previews Jupyter Notebookquarto convert Untitled.ipynb
converts ipynb to qmdquarto convert Untitled.qmd
converts qmd to ipynb.qmd
+ requirements.txt
files with other programmers